Monday, December 6, 2010

Power in positive thinking.

I believe that there is power in positive thinking. Positive thinking has the ability to make things happen for a person. If one believes that they will achieve a goal, they would start making decisions to make sure they achieve that goal. Positive thinking alone doesn't have the power to get things done. Many people believe that having a positive attitude and being optimistic brings everything to you. I feel that it's the combination of positive thinking and voluntary actions allows people to achieve goals. For example, an overweight individual can visualize losing weight and becoming thin and convince themselves that it will happen, but if they don't start making changes to their eating habits and lifestyle to make that dream a reality, it will never happen. Thinking positively sets off a chain of reactions that enables a person to change their situation  from a bad one to a good one. It inhibits doubt and fear from deterring one from accomplishing anything they set their sights on. Additionally, it makes a person feel good about what their working for, which provides more encouragement to reach goals. Positive thinking can create a path that helps a person make their dreams come true.

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